Thursday, April 20, 2006

Long time, no post

I'm trying to get this thing started again, but I've never been much of a blogger. Heading to Vegas this weekend as a 15th anniversary trip. Should be loads of fun. My son's a Boy Scout now and I'm done with Cubs. I still have the khaki shirt though and will most likely put it on again some another leadership role with the scouts.

My grass looks like crap. We haven't had much rain and so it's already dried out and it's only April. By August it should be crispy and brittle. Aleast my son has gotten big enough to push the mower, so the yard work that I despise is getting done quicker. Filed taxes at the last minute this year. Getting a decent return, unfortunately we'll be paying bills with all of it. No matter how much I make, it never seems to be enough.


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